Precision Geophysical Surveys

Eclipse was contracted during the development phase of a new style of lightweight geophysical sensor. Not only was the drone required to tow the “bird” over long distances, but it had to do it smoothly and with precision.
Original flights used our larger MR4XL aircraft with an onboard generator, but this proved to be cumbersome and difficult to operate successfully in challenging environments. Eventually the decision was made to switch to the ZHT UAV Naga X4 with its long flight time, RTK positioning, compact design and smooth flying characteristics.
Operated over several remote sites during 2022, the Naga X4 performed very well despite extremes of heat and cold (snow on the ground!), eagle attacks and difficult access.
Managing this type of operation is a balancing act between client expectations and legal responsibilities. Eclipse Aero have the knowledge and experience to ensure that these projects can be conducted safely and efficiently, without putting your reputation or operation at risk.

+61 421 183300